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Students Move to the Top in Science Fair

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Twelve students were the reigning winners of the Junior-Senior High School’s middle school science fair, after conducting an intensive research project and then showcasing their findings. These 12 winners earned a spot to represent the school by participating in the Long Island Science Congress in April.

For the competition, all seventh- and eighth-grade students worked in their science class to identify a topic of interest to research. They completed background research in class, developed a research question and then designed an experiment to be completed on their own. They collect their data and synthesized a brief report using tri-boards to share their projects and highlight the different components of their scientific research. 

After their in-class presentations, students were selected by the classroom teacher to move onto the second round of judging, which took place in school the day of the fair. Students that advanced to the second round presented their project to a series of judges from the science department, who scored their work against a standard rubric.

The top three winners were awarded first, second, and third place in the four different categories: seventh-grade Life Science, seventh-grade Physical Science, eighth-grade Physical Science, and eighth-grade Living Environment Accelerated.