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College Visits

Students at St Francis College thumbnail228954

On October 12th, our 9th grade students visited New York Institute of Technology and St. Francis College. They toured both campus locations and got a feel for what being in college is like. Students were also made aware of the various majors that are available once they attend college.

Here is what they had to say about the visits:

Cameron Peeples learned about the college experience and the versatility you can have while studying in college. He was most interested in the science majors that St. Francis had to offer its students.

Yihan Wang and Caroline Miller said that St. Francis was invigorating and innovative, with a lot to offer for students interested in different career paths. They enjoyed seeing the birthing lab and learned that within the next five years scientists will be able to grow new hearts using 3D printers.

Winter Lara loved NYIT! She had a feeling of independence and maturity walking around the campus with her classmates.

Andrew Chen and Rowan White both enjoyed how spread out and remote the campus is at NYIT. They also mentioned how there is no Rotunda like here at East Rockaway where traffic usually builds up!

Date Added: 10/25/2022