ERHS Student Honored By JCRC-LI

East Rockaway High School junior Everett Gamache with JCRC-LI Members thumbnail246066
East Rockaway High School junior Everett Gamache with JCRC-LI Members thumbnail246067
East Rockaway High School junior Everett Gamache with JCRC-LI Members thumbnail246068
East Rockaway High School junior Everett Gamache with JCRC-LI Members thumbnail246069

East Rockaway High School junior Everett Gamache has been recognized by the Jewish Community Relations Council of Long Island (JCRC-LI) for his efforts to create a more civil society.

The JCRC-LI recognizes students across long island that volunteer their time and work on intergenerational projects, while building ties across various communities. Everett spearheaded a project to have an Osprey nesting platform built and placed on the East Rockaway High School campus. In consideration for this award, Everett required a recommendation from his school counselor, Ms. Mantle, who shared the following:

Everett has always had a passion for the wilderness since he first got involved with cub scouts in first grade. Since then, he has continued into Boys Scouts and is currently working on his Eagle Scout project. Everett learned that the Osprey population in our area has dwindled, and he sought out a way to help. Everett is planning on building 3 to 4 nests along our athletic field. Being along the water gives the Osprey easy access to water and food as well as it provides them with a safe space away from traffic to live.

Outside of Boy Scouts Everett is very involved in the performing arts, he plays percussion for the Musical, Rock Rivalry, Jazz Band, and Rock Orchestra to name a few. He is also an active member in the National Honor Society, GSA and Robotics. In addition, he is also on the St. Raymond’s swim team.

Everett is an extremely intelligent and passionate young man who truly cares about his community and will continue to make his impact at East Rockaway.

We are very proud of Everett’s accomplishments and this deserved recognition.

Date Added: 5/10/2023