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Board Presentations

Yearly Updates 2023-2024

June 11, 2024

Student and Staff Celebrations and PTA Installation

Honor our valedictorian and salutatorian, say farewell to retiring staff, and welcome our new PTA executive board members.


May 29, 2024

Centre Avenue School 100th Anniversary and Teacher Tenure

The district has much to celebrate this month. Centre Avenue School celebrates 100 years of educating the students of East Rockaway. We will also celebrate teachers who are earning the distinction of tenure as exemplary educators in our schools.


March 26, 2024

Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC)

This marks the inaugural year of our Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee. This group of students from all levels of our district have met with the superintendent regularly to share their perspective on what direction they believe the district should move. They will present their recommendations to the Board of Education and the community.

Elementary Literacy and District i-Ready Update

The district has made a number of shifts in our approaches to literacy instruction at the elementary level. The district has also added i-Ready to our suite of resources in grades K-8 to support reading and math instruction. Join us for a status update.


February 13, 2024 – Superintendent’s Advisory Council rescheduled to March 26


January 16, 2024

Project-Based Learning (PBL) Update and Fine, Performing, & Culinary Arts Update

Select members of our elementary, middle, and high school teacher teams spent three full days learning from the PBLWorks organization in November. Learn more about how that will improve our students’ classroom experience.

Our schools are filled with students who express themselves and share their talents through the Fine, Performing, & Culinary Arts. This presentation will showcase their work.


December 12, 2023

Social-Emotional Learning and RULER Program Update

This September marked the full implementation of the RULER program with our elementary students after last year’s staff training. The high school reinvigorated the Sources of Strength program following training for staff and students in the spring. Find out how they are going.


November 14, 2023

Bond Construction and Capital Improvements Update

The community made a $27 million investment in 2019 to improve facilities around the district. We have completed much of that work to date and will share our progress with those projects as well as other approved capital expenditures.


October 17, 2023

School Report Card

Special Recognition for the Board of Education

Review of district performance as measured by New York State exams in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Regents.

The Board of Education advocates for the beliefs and values of the community for educating its children. Board members volunteer their time to set policies, develop budget priorities, and ensure that the administration of the school district aligns with the beliefs and values of the community. Please join us in showing appreciation for these community volunteers.


September 19, 2023

New Staff Introductions


Welcoming new staff hired for the 23-24 school year and highlighting district accomplishments during the 22-23 school year through the four pillars of our strategic plan: Opportunity, Connection, Achievement, and Innovation. Learn how our prior accomplishments are driving our future actions.