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Hall of Retired Numbers

A black and orange banner with the name John Bresnihan, the distance 53'4", the words 'Track and Field', and the year 'Class of 1952'.

A black and orange banner with the text 'Stephen Hefele 32 Basketball Class of 1974'.

A black and orange banner with the name Andrew Stern, the number 13, the word Football, and the text Class of 1978.

A black and orange banner with the text 'Cheri Nelson 25 Basketball Class of 1989'.

A black and orange banner with the text 'Brittany Fuller 45 Basketball Class of 2006'.

A black and orange banner with the text 'Cindy Walukewicz, 27, Softball, Class of 1989'.

A black and orange banner with the name Gaetano "Tommy" Barone, the number 78, and the text "Football Class of 2004."

A black and orange banner with the name Heather Loughran, the number 26, the word 'Softball', and the text 'Class of 2008'.