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Registration Information

Welcome to the East Rockaway School District. According to New York State law and the East Rockaway School District policy, the following items are required for enrollment in school. 

1. Proof of Residency – 

  • HOMEOWNERS: (3 documents): Must provide current copy of:
  1. Tax Bill OR Current Mortgage Statement OR Deed 
  2. Copy of TWO different and most recent bills (dated within the last 60 days):
    PSE&G, National Grid, Water Bill, Cable Bill, etc. 
    [Cellphone bills are NOT accepted] 

    *If you do not have a current bill – you must obtain a letter from the utility/service company showing your name, address, and service start date.
  • RENTERS: (6 documents): Must provide ALL the following forms with its supporting documents: 
  1. Form A – Statement of Owner 
  2. Copy of either Tax Bill, Current Mortgage Statement OR Deed
  3. Affidavit Form B – Notarized Renter Affidavit
  4. Copy of Lease or Rental Agreement 
  5. Copy of TWO different and most recent bills (dated within the last 60 days): PSE&G, National Grid, Water Bill, Cable Bill, etc.
    [Cellphone bills are NOT accepted] 

    *If you do not have a current bill – you must obtain a letter from the utility/service company showing your name, address, and service start date.
  • IF YOU ARE LIVING WITH FAMILY OR FRIENDS WHO ARE HOMEOWNERS OR RENTERS: (6 documents): Must provide ALL the following forms with its supporting documents:
  1. Form A – Statement of Owner 
  2. Copy of either Tax Bill, Current Mortgage Statement OR Deed 
  3. Affidavit Form C– Notarized Affidavit of Residency
  4. Form D – Statement of Non-Rental Resident
  5. TWO pieces of official mail sent via US Postal Service (dated within the last 60 days) *Cellphone bills are NOT accepted. 

2. Certificate of immunization in English, MUST be an original signed and stamped by a physician or health facility. NO OTHER FORM OF IMMUNIZATIONS IS ACCEPTABLE.
3. Student’s ORIGINAL birth certificate or Passport.
4. Student’s most current report card or most current official transcript, copy of withdrawal form from previous school.
5. A VALID photo ID of the parent, guardian or custodian. 
6. If necessary, Custodial, Guardian, or Foster Parent papers.

Note: If student is only living with one parent – one of the following is required: 

  • A copy of the Judgment of Divorce showing custody; OR 
  • A notarized letter from the spouse affirming that the child resides with the other parent and will be attending school in East Rockaway 


Mrs. Moran, Central Registration
443 Ocean Avenue – Main Office
Phone: 516-887-8300 - press 1 - Ext. 433