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Social Studies

Social Studies

Department Chairperson: Ms. Deborah Bloomfield

Department Overview:
The purpose of the Social Studies Curriculum is to provide East Rockaway students with a sense of the past and an understanding of the ideals on which political, economic, and social development has been based. Using the NYS Social Studies Framework, students delve into courses in World History, United States History, Government, Economics, and various Social Sciences, and learn how to craft historical arguments, examine and analyze documents, and interpret the events of the past. Ultimately, students will use these tools to become more knowledgeable, empathetic, and informed global citizens. There are two required Regents Exams in Social Studies: Global History and Geography, and United States History and Geography.

The East Rockaway Jr./Sr. High School Social Studies department is dedicated to creating inquiry-based curriculum for our students to become active informed citizens. We follow the New York State Social Studies Framework that is designed around six practices: Gathering, Interpreting, & Using Evidence, Chronological Reasoning & Causation, Comparison and Contextualization, Geographic Reasoning, Economics and Economic Systems, Civic Participation.


A flowchart outlining English course options for grades 7-12, with elective choices for Theatre and AP Research.


Additional Information:

  • In all Advanced Placement Social Studies course, students are expected to complete a summer assignment, due the first month of school.
  • ERHS Seniors will write a research paper as their final exam grade in Economics and AP Government.
  • ERHS Seniors will be eligible to receive the Seal of Civic Readiness alongside their diploma. Applications and details will be provided to students throughout the year. 


Courses 24-25

Curriculum Overview

Deborah Bloomfield (Chairperson)    
Paul Collins

Global 9

Global 10


Shannon Conley

Global 9R
Global 9 (pre-AP)
AP Government

Global 9

Joyce Kenny

US History 11
AP United States History

US History 11
AP United States History

Andrew Kell

SS 8

US History 11


Valerie Parasmo

AP World History
Global 10
Global 9 (pre-AP)

AP World History
Global 10
Pre-AP Global 9

Don Poland

Grade 8 US History
Participation in Government

Grade 8 US History
Global 9

Richard Schaffer Legal Studies (UHS) Legal Studies

Luke Tesoriero

Thomas Morre, SS 7 co-teacher

Grade 7 US History
Military History Through Film

Grade 7 US History
Military History Through Film

Grayson Valentino

Francesca Ciullo, Economics/PiG co-teacher

Civics 7
AVID 7: College & Careers

Participation in Government
Civics 7
AVID 7: College & Careers


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