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Message From The Principal

Message From the Principal

Dear Rhame Avenue Families,


Rhame Avenue School is committed to providing our students with a caring, safe, and
supportive environment that fosters a love for learning. We believe in the power of strong relationships with our students, staff, parents and community.


Our work will be grounded in ensuring every child is supported academically, emotionally, and socially. All of our work aligns to our district's mission to inspire our learners to become self-directed, ethical, creative, and globally conscious citizens.
We are focused on equipping our students with the 21st century skills needed to be successful in a complex world. Instruction and learning activities will build our students' ability to communicate, collaborate, use critical thinking, and be creative.


Parent and community involvement and relationships are critical to student success. Rhame Avenue School believes in proactive and consistent communication. You can find my weekly newsletters to families on our schools’ website under my picture. Additionally, please follow my twitter account for updates of the great things happening at Rhame Avenue. Twitter Account


I am proud to be the principal of the Rhame Avenue School, and am thankful to work in such a great community!


In partnership,
Jack Bixhorn