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East Rockaway High School

Art Department

Department Chairperson: Mr. Peter Ceglio

The Art Department offers a variety of courses to meet a variety of needs. Students satisfying a basic graduation/ Regents requirement may opt to take any selected class(es) on a non-major basis. Art majors are encouraged, in their pursuit of an art sequence, to take a broad variety of classes to establish the foundation needed for college art programs. The final portfolio is a result of this sequence.
In general, all art classes stress the importance of in-class performance. Grades are based not only on the actual artwork completed, but also on preparedness, attitude,

demonstration of knowledge and skills acquired and adherence to deadlines. A good attendance and punctuality record are essential.

Though art materials are supplied by the District, each student must have a pencil each day. Homework is assigned sporadically, and students are encouraged to bring current, in-progress, works home. Finally, no artwork is released until the "ANNUAL” Spring Exhibit. After this event, it is the students' responsibility to pick up all work.

Course Sequence:

Chart of Course Sequence.

Additional Information:
*Fulfills Fine Arts Graduation Requirement

**Prerequisites Required

 ^Optional College Credit (Please note courses taken following Foundations in Art are considered “Level 1” courses)


Art Resources for Students:





Peter Ceglio - Chairperson


Kelly Cabasso

Foundations in Art, 35mm Photo, UHS
Introduction to Photo, College Portfolio, AP, Unified Art & Culinary

Kristie Galante (Hirten)

Foundations in Art, 8th Grade Art, Art Enrichment, Draw/Paint 1, UHS
Introduction to Drawing, College Portfolio, Fashion & Design