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East Rockaway High School

Art Department

Department Chairperson: Mr. Peter Ceglio

The Art Department at East Rockaway offers a dynamic range of courses designed to suit both aspiring artists and those looking to fulfill graduation requirements. Students are encouraged to explore a variety of classes, building a strong foundation to develop a well-rounded skill set. In all courses, the focus is not just on the final product but on the process of creating art and allowing for student voice. Grades are based on the quality of the work, effort, preparedness, attitude, skill development, and the ability to meet deadlines. Regular attendance and punctuality are essential to success. While materials are provided by the district, students should bring a pencil to class each day. Artwork will be showcased in the "Annual" Spring Exhibit, as well as opportunities to enter into exhibits and competitions throughout the year.  After the Spring Art show is complete, all work will be returned to the students. With its comprehensive curriculum and focus on both creativity and discipline, the Art Department provides an inspiring environment for students to grow as artists and individuals.


Course Listings:


Course Sequence:
Kelly Cabasso, Kristie Galante (Hirten)

Chart of Course Sequence.

Additional Information:
*Fulfills Fine Arts Graduation Requirement

**Prerequisites Required

 ^Optional College Credit (Please note courses taken following Foundations in Art are considered “Level 1” courses)