On April 4, second grade students at Centre Avenue School invited their family and friends to join them for the Hero Celebration.
This project gave students the opportunity to select their hero, share some details and tell why they choose them. Some chose a famous person, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Taylor Swift or Johnny Appleseed. Others selected family members including parents, grandparents and even siblings!
In preparation for the event, students first brainstormed everything about their hero. Next, students sorted information that they gathered about that person so that they could write about their hero. Finally, students created an art project that represented their hero. Some students created colorful and engaging posters, while others created a model of their hero out of materials.
At the celebration, each student had the opportunity to share their writing and art project about their hero with the attendees.
Click here to view the slideshow.
Date Added: 4/21/2023