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Rhame Avenue School honors those lost in 9-11

6th-grade teacher Alexis Freudenberg led a touching 9/11 remembrance event. thumbnail260907

At Rhame Avenue School, 6th-grade teacher Alexis Freudenberg led a touching 9/11 remembrance event that brought the entire school together to honor this important day in history.

In preparation, students read a passage about September 11th to better understand the significance of the event. They then created remembrance chains, writing kind messages on paper links. These chains symbolized how people united in support on September 11, 2001.

Gathering on the field, the students and staff joined their chains together and held hands in a large circle, observing a moment of silence to reflect on the day’s meaning and the power of community.

Click here to view the slideshow.

Date Added: 9/12/2024