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Centre Avenue Students Learn the Power of Kindness at Cultivate Kindness Assembly

Students at Centre Avenue School in East Rockaway participated in a special assembly focused on the importance of kindness.  thumbnail261758

On Oct. 21, students at Centre Avenue School in East Rockaway participated in a special assembly focused on the importance of kindness. The event, titled “Cultivate Kindness”, was hosted by Rich Specht, co-founder of the ReesSpecht Life Foundation, who delivered an inspiring message about the lasting impact of kind actions. With two separate assemblies—one for Pre-K through 3rd grade and another for 4th through 6th grade—students of all ages learned valuable lessons about compassion, community and respect.

Rich Specht used a simple but powerful analogy to explain kindness: it’s like a seed. Just as a seed needs care and attention to grow, he told the students, “kindness must be cultivated. Through heartfelt stories and engaging examples, he showed the students how their actions, big or small, can create a ripple effect in their school and community. He emphasized that every action has a reaction, comparing kindness to a boomerang—when you put kindness out into the world, it will eventually come back to you.

The message hit home with the students as they learned that kindness is something they can choose to spread every day. As a visual reminder, Rich provided each teacher with special kindness cards for their classes. These cards are designed to encourage students to pay it forward, continuing the chain of kind acts. Since its inception, over 750,000 ReesSpecht Life cards have been distributed nationwide, sparking countless acts of kindness.

The ReesSpecht Life Foundation was created in memory of Rich’s son, Rees, who passed away in a tragic accident. The foundation's mission is to remind people of the importance of community, compassion, and respect. Through their work, Rich and his family aim to make the world a better place, one small act of kindness at a time.

The students left the assembly feeling inspired and empowered to make a difference in their school and beyond.


Click here to view the Centre Avenue Students Learn the Power of Kindness at Cultivate Kindness Assembly slideshow.

Date Added: 10/22/2024