Leading up to Veterans Day, students throughout the district paid tribute to members of our community who have served with special assemblies, ceremonies and even with a personal visit to their homes to show their admiration and appreciation.
At Rhame Avenue Elementary School, the students attended an assembly where they learned about Veterans Day and met local veterans from the VFW. The students also unveiled their “Wall of Honor” that honors their family members who have served. Parents and grandparents who are featured on the wall joined the students for the presentation.
Centre Avenue Elementary School hosted an assembly with US Army veteran George Catalanotto, who showed the students some military equipment, including helmets and radios, and showed them how to salute. The school also invited local veterans from the VFW to join them for a ceremony that started with the Pledge of Allegiance led by sixth graders and featured a reading of names of local veterans before the kindergartners presented the honored guests with gifts handmade by students.
Finally, fifth grade student council members at Centre Avenue collaborated with the organization “Ninjas4Vets” for a special surprise for members of the local community. The students traveled around the village and showed their appreciation by decorating the homes of veterans with handmade signs and red, white and blue decorations.