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Bullying Ambassador Program

Seventh grader Keith Halstead and eighth Ava Quaranto holding Certificates thumbnail222853

Seventh grader Keith Halstead and eighth Ava Quaranto were recognized for their participation in Northwell's Cohen Strong Middle School Bullying Ambassador Program during the school year. They graduated from the program on June 2 and received their certificates.

The two East Rockaway Junior-Senior High School students met virtually once a month to discuss key messages they wanted to share with their schools about bullying. They also worked with the district's bullying ambassadors, including school social worker Amy Weissman Canale, Dr. Vera Feuer, Michelle Raider and Kayla Altoonian.

Throughout the course of their work, Halstead and Quaranto created posters with powerful, inspiring, and colorful messages that will be displayed around the building during October's 2022 National Bullying Prevention Month. The messages that the students wrote were designed to inspire their peers to be kind, choose their words carefully, and empower them with the necessary tools to be upstanders.

The goal of the program is to improve bullying outcomes in local schools.

Date Added: 6/23/2022