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Students Awarded for Acts of Kindness

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Students at Centre and Rhame Avenue Elementary schools were awarded for their participation in the Kindness Challenge. 

Rhame students were Molly Brown, who showed kindness by helping her mom with the dishes, playing with someone who had no one to play with, helping someone who was crying and cleaning up after herself; Ellia DeCrescenzo, who showed kindness by helping someone up when they fell down, having a smile on her face every day, being respectful, not littering, giving a seat on the bus to someone and helping her sisters with their homework; and Ethan Baiza, who showed kindness by giving chocolate to a crossing guard.

At Centre, George Espinoza was awarded for his kindness in helping his friend pack up, washing plates at home, listening to his teachers and saying thank-you to someone who held the door for him. Steven James Jr. was awarded for his kindness in sitting with a new group of kids at lunch and helping a younger student with homework.